
Teeth concern

The writer is Erin's mother. So, I don't know if everyone remembers their tooth fairy time. However, I clearly remeber that I took all my teeth out except one molar or pre-molar that one of my orlder cousins took out. I still remeber, that everyone said, if I dont take them out on time, I will have uneven teeth. I was scared, I dont know why though, was I really concerned about the uneven teeth stigma? My two other older siblings had uneven teeth. That might have been the reason. I am not judging now if that is good or bad. I personally think it looks cute, especially, all of the people I see who have uneven teeth are cute. However, having or not having aligned teeth can also be huge play in health and welness of teeth and jaw, or dental health. For that reaosn, I have alwasy been concerned about kids who're wigglinbg thier teeth. So, far, I have taken atleast one tooth of at least a dozen of kids in my life. I have no knowledge about dental study but I just did out of gene...

Last Month

Tooth Fairy Time!!!

Its late about 10 pm on 11/8/21 that Erin lost her first baby tooth. Momma helped to get it out with moist warm paper towel! Erin was brave throughout the process . Shes been excited to meet tooth fairy for about few months now . It didnt end the night with first one, second was already ready to come out . Now theres an empty space created with the first one, it felt support less and wiggled more. Erin said; momma , I think second has to come out as well. I dont want to swallow it at night . It is really wiggly . And yes, shes right. Its around 11 pm that I took her second tooth out. Erin was little emotional for a monent that she lost her tooth and she felt weird. Here are some pictures abd vidoes of how she did throughtout the process of taking her two teeth out! This is for her future memory! To me, everything my only child grows up to be, every stage is a HUGE ordeal, just like her first step or a first word!

Enhancing bond via Creativity and arts!

Vacation month with dad

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Vacation Week with Mamma

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Last Week of School

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